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MacaManna™ WholeFood Blend
Peruvians believe maca plant is root of many good things
Hardy, radishlike species prized as source of sexual stamina
LIMA, Peru — It's small and looks like a radish. Although smelly, many Peruvians consider the root an alternative to ginseng and Viagra. 

Frost-resistant Maca grows in the frigid Andean highlands. It's been used in this South American country for centuries to boost stamina and sex drive.

Archaeologists have discovered traces of maca cultivation at sites dating back 2,000 years in the central Andes, where the plant thrives naturally at 13,000 feet above sea level.  Spanish conquistadors are said to have accepted bushels of the protein-rich root from local communities during the 16th century as tax payments. Chroniclers also reported that Peru's various pre-Hispanic groups bartered with maca, used it for peace offerings and offered it to their mountain and sun gods. Today, Peruvians eat maca fresh, dried, boiled into porridge or ground into powder and mixed with water or milk in a drink that tastes somewhat like butterscotch with an earthy aftertaste. Just as the Incas did centuries ago, many Peruvians swear by maca's energizing and aphrodisiacal powers. It is also touted as a tonic for a host of other health problems, including post-menopause syndrome and stress. 

For scientists, the jury is still out. 
Nutritionists say the root packs a powerful dose of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, particularly magnesium and phosphorous. But no major independent studies have been published about its effects. "It's still what you call an alter-native medicine," says Dr. Alberto Tejada, a urologist for the Fertility Institute in Lima

"What we do know is that it is energizing, that it increases sexual stimulus, that it improves the dis-position toward sexual activity and improves mood," he says. Hersil, a Peruvian pharmaceutical company that plans to market maca-based tablets internationally, says small-scale research it financed at Peru's Cayetano Heredia University found that maca in-creased men's sex drive and sperm counts. 
Dr. Fernando Cabieses, a neurologist who for two decades has studied Peru's treasure trove of medicinal plants, supervised the study, which involved 60 volun-teers who were divided into two groups. One group took maca tab-lets for 12 weeks, the other placebos. 

"Its a very interesting study, with interesting results, which need to be corroborated by other scientific groups to see if this repeats," Dr. Cabieses says.  Jose Luis Silva, Hersil's assistant general manager, sees opportunities for maca to compete for some of the $2 billion now spent around the world each year on ginseng, a root highly prized in Asia for its energy-giving and curative properties. Overseas sales would be a boon for this impoverished nation's rural farmers, many of whom eke out liv-ings in rugged countryside.  Maca could be just the beginning, Peruvians hope. Dozens of native plants are used as natural medicines by indigenous people.  Among those herbal medicines is mashua, a root that is said to inhibit sex drive. It was reputedly given to Inca warriors to help keep them focused on battle. Today, Peruvian women are said to slip mashua into their husbands' meals before extended business trips so their minds focus solely on business.
The Inca rulers hoarded their stores of Mao. It was used by the Rulers and the Royal Court to improve their sex lives. And by their warriors for energy and endurance. 
Maca has now been discovered by professional athletes (L.A Dodgers) and used as a part of their training regimen. Body builders arc using it for its ability to help build muscle mass. Martial artists use it for stamina and to improve their performance. 
Maca regulates and aids women in their bodies' production of estrogen and progesterone. Thus helping to maintain healthy bones. 
Maca stimulates and regulates our internal organs of secretion. Manna, the other superfood concentrates. nourishes is these organs.


Nutrient-Dense Whole/bad Concentrate

Nature is bountiful. She has given us everything we need to live long and healthy lives. We just must take it. MacaManna is the best of Nature's offerings in a concentrated form. We've pulled together choice food concentrates to give your body the nutrition it needs.

We must feed our body life' to live. We must teed It with pure, live foods. Not processed. overcooked dead foods. 
MacaManna™ is 100% live food concentrates chosen to give you the full spectrum of foods and nutrients essential for you to live long and stay healthy. After the age of 30. our bodies produce less digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid. which makes it harder to digest and assimilate our food. That's what happens to most of the elderly, they basically starve themselves. Then the organs start to fail. All because the organs aren't receiving the nutrition they need to function properly. It's as simple as that. 

MacaManna is very easy to digest. It literally is assimilated intoyour body instantly. Compare this to a steak sandwich. which will take 3 hours, and then some. to digest. With MacaManna, your body gets Immediate nutrition and the best It can get. 

Additional Vital Ingredients Contained in MacaManna™ along with Maca

The answer to having a long and healthy life is simple.
There are 2 main requirements:

1) Keep your elimination organs clean and functioning properly (bowel. skin, lungs. kidneys).
2) Eat live foods, not dead processed foods.

We must return to the foods our grandparents ate. Live foods! This is where MacaManna comes in. MacaManna is not just composed of live foods. but they are concentrated. nutrient-dense foods. They could be called functional foods. because they don't just fill us up. Like Maca. they serve a function for our organs and body.

Here Is the list of these super-nutrients that. combined with Maca. make "MacaManna" the perfect functional food.

Live Food Enzyme Blend

Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Alfalfa Grass
These contain pre-digested carbohydrates. proteins and fats with abundant antioxidants. These grasses are harvested from their sprouts while only 4-5 inches high with the maximum potency and energy still available. High in natural vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.

Vitamin C Complex

Orange Peel, Lemon Peel Rose Hips
The best part of the citrus (mks is just under their outer skin for peel). This is where most of the nutrients arc concentrated — rutin, bioflavonoids, calcium. pectin. This is the part we use Rose flips are probably the best source of Vitamin C anywhere. And It Is all from Nature.

Beet Root

Beet Root
Beet Root contains phytonutrients that are pretty much absent in modem diets. This vegetable has been revered or its cancer preventing nutrient, Beets strengthen the lymphatic system. along with the liver and other vital organs.

Single-Cell Plant Complex

Spirulina Blue Green Algae and Chlorella 
Spirulina  is the most concentrated wince of complete vegetable protein on the planet. Very easy to digest. It is a bountiful source of the B-Vitamins. particularly B-I2. which our bodies do not make and which we must get from our food on a daily basis. It Is also loaded with Beta Carotene. 
Chlorella is 60% protein and a natural source of growth !actors and antioxidants. It is earth's first green plant. It is easily digested. as its cell has been broken for complete nutrient absorption. 

Sea Vegetable

Purple Dulse
Extremely rich in minerals. especially iodine which has been stripped from everyday foods. The nutrients in this seaweed arc essential for our health. Trace minerals from the ocean abound. Our modern diets are literally void of these. 

Probiotic Complex

Probiotic is the name given to beneficial, friendly micro-organisms and their activity in our bodies, which help us digest and assimilate our food. Our proprietary blend of probiotics also inactivates toxins, eradicates invasive pathogens and restores nutrient absorption. Included in this blend are the pure strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifido-bacterium longum (I billion per serving of MacaManna). These beneficial flora support the health of the gastrointestinal tract. 
It's always a battle between the good flora and the bad flora in our stomach and intestines. If the bad flora take over, we have poor health. If the good flora pre-dominate, life is good. That's why taking MacaManna with our Probiotic Complex will keep the balance of health in your favor. 
We know that antibiotics kill all flora. good and bad. So, it is especially important to replenish the supply of good flora after taking drugs, before the had flora gets a hold. 

Maca (Lepidium Meyenii Walp)

Improves Health as follows

  • Balances hormonal system. helps alleviate discomfort of PMS/Menopause
  • Supplants hormone replacement therapy
  • Re-establishes the menstrual cycle, relieves menopausal disturbances.
  • Increases libido, stimulates sexuality.
  • Helps increase bone density. combats osteoporosis.
  • Enhances fertility.
  • Increases vaginal lubrication. Protects against vaginal infection.
  • Revitalizes and maintains youthful skin tone.
  • Improves memory and stimulates cerebral neuron cells.

Improves Health as follows

  • Increases energy levels and endurance.
  • Aids in increasing muscle mass.
  • Rejuvenates hormonal system. helps forestall aging.
  • Increases sperm count.
  • Increases libido. improves erectile tissue response.
  • Re-establishes mental clarity and intellectual capacity. Combats premature body and mind deterioration. Increases physical capacity. better athletic performance.
  • Improves immunological capacity. stimulates formation of red blood cells.
  • Helps in relieving tension. regulates nervous system.
  • Aids in correcting and preventing prostatitis.
Maca Is the main Ingredient In MacaManna.

It Is unique in that it has (our alkaloids which have been discovered to specifically stimulate the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. These 2 master glands, then trigger the entire Endocrine Gland System to produce the proper amount of hormones that we need for optimum health. Like when we were 21. That's why we get all the benefits mentioned

Hormonal Balance • Increased Energy • Stamina • Libido • Bone Density • PMS/Menopausal Relief • Muscle Mass, etc.

Good For You America™
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(800) 944-1511


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